Social Workers provide psychosocial support to clients who have experienced trauma, brain and spinal cord injuries, physical injuries, chronic pain and the emotional adjustment that follows. What we know about trauma is that it not only impacts the client individually but also affects the family system as a whole. For this reason, we offer counselling support to individuals, couples, families and groups to assist in fostering resiliency, through psychoeducation and evidence-based psychotherapeutic treatment modalities. Through individualized treatment plans, social work associates help to establish emotional and social adaptation that are strength-based and client-centered. Typically, our social workers meet with clients in their homes, which helps with our assessment and implementation of coping strategies that are client-driven. It also assists to better understand clients’ living arrangements and family dynamics. If a client wishes to meet outside the home, we are also available to meet in the community or in a confidential office setting. We also offer Mindfulness Based Trauma and Recovery Groups that have been developed by our own social work associates using evidence-based research focused on treatment specific populations groups.